Sunday, 21 October 2018

Now the election is over.........

I would like to thank all those who supported me in this election and though unsuccessful in returning to Vernon City Council I remain optimistic.
I was impressed with the quality and depth of commitment of the large field candidates. It was a pleasure to meet these folks and get to know them a little bit. I get the feeling they will continue in their commitment to the betterment of our community. To those who were successful I extend my heartfelt congratulations and best wishes. Our new council will have balance of old and new which I hope will lead to good governance. Putting your name in the hat takes a great deal of courage. To those who unsuccessful best wishes and I hope that you found the experience of running for office as rewarding as I did. All the best in the future.
Lastly I was very pleased with passing of the Cultural Center referendum. The vision of the few and the wisdom of the many will be praised for years to come. Cheers Shawn

Wednesday, 17 October 2018

Chamber of Commerce question answered belatedly Mea Culpa

  1. With recent counts, we understand there are approximately 150 homeless people on the streets of Vernon. There are many organizations and resources currently dedicated to these displaced individuals. We know that you will be asked a lot about homelessness in Vernon, however If elected, we want to know what is your plan for the remaining 42,000 residents of Vernon?       Vernon’s demographic is diverse. I believe that Vernon’s OCP reflects the cities’ commitment to address the needs of all its residents. The challenge for the City of Vernon is to balance limited resources against the demands for those resources. I believe that a well-run and cared for city is of benefit to our residents. Returning to the principles of the OCP a wise administration and an informed city council will find such a balance and be able to serve all the residents of Vernon. I would like to part of such a council. Please vote for Shawn Lee for Vernon City Council.

Vernon Chamber of Commerce question belately

  1. If elected what would you do to help encourage outside investment into Vernon?
I believe a well-run city is naturally attractive to outside investment. I believe that our relatively low multiplier is attractive to the new entrepreneur. If the Official Community plan is consistently applied it will create some assurance to outside investment. If our economic development plan is actively and enthusiastically pursued it will yield results.

I think Vernon must always remember that we are part of a regional district. I believe that we must cooperate with our neighbours who have the land we lack available for light industry, remembering; “A rising tide raises all ships”. Please vote for Shawn Lee for Vernon City Council.

Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Somebody was paying attention...

Chamber of Commerce question answered belated- Mea Culpa

  1. Business is impacted by construction and infrastructure improvements during the summer season. We know the improvements are important for the future of Vernon. How would you help business minimize the lasting impact due to business lost from ongoing construction occurring directly in front of their business?
I would support efforts to ensure projects are finished in a timely manner. Contracts need to provide for some sort of financial consequence for delays due to the contractor. Such penalties could perhaps be used to mitigate the disruption to effected businesses. I am not sure of the legality of this suggestion but maybe some sort of tax break could be offered to effected businesses during the tax year of the infrastructure renewal. I would support efforts to coordinate operations as to minimize disruption and maintain access. I would support efforts to ensure the availability of BC Hydro crews as to minimize backtracking and delays. Please vote Shawn Lee for Vernon City Council.

Questions from the Chamber of Commerce-belatedly Mea Culpa

 With the increase of young families and young professional moving to Vernon, what are your plans to support this growing young population?
I would support efforts to insure that our shared recreational facilities are safe and well maintained.
I would support efforts to work with SD#22 to ensure school grounds and approaches are safe and well maintained.
I would support efforts to maintain and expand alternative transportation routes such as trails and bike paths.

I would support the ongoing implementation of Vernon’s official community Plan.

Saturday, 13 October 2018

Congestion on Highway 97 at 43 ave.

|While driving back from a trip to Armstrong we forgot and took Highway 97 and ran into the traffic congestion chronically associated with the highway's intersection with 43th ave. Most Vernonites know to avoid this pinch point at busy times. Since this one of the cities major traffic intersections it is busy most of the time.
I think that it not good for our city to have traffic backed up both north and south from these lights for blocks and blocks. Vehicles magazined in this way not only creates frustration but the lack of smooth flow in itself is a safety hazard. What can be done?
For years I have maintained (usually by ranting in my automobile) that this intersection needs a major redesign.While three approaches have right hand turn lanes they are to short to accommodate the numbers willing to use them. This deficiency contributes to the congestion.Traffic from North has no right hand turn lane at all at the junction creating traffic back up past the entrance to the shopping center. At busy times it is only by the good will of other motorists that one is able to enter or exit either to the right or to the left. Even their welcomed courtesy unintentionally contributes to the unsafe conditions.
We are about to elect a new city Council of which I would like to be a part. The term of office is four years. Surely four years would be long enough to petition Highways for the changes, design and completion of the project. As a Councillor I would champion such a project. Why? Because I believe that I am not the only one ranting in their car. Vote for Shawn Lee for Vernon City Council. Cheers

Friday, 12 October 2018

Vital Signs Questionnaire; the questions and my answers.

Here is the link Enjoy the read!
Vote for Shawn Lee for Vernon City Council. Cheers

Is it Council`s Fault?

Homelessness, illicit use of drugs, and associated criminal activities, are not new to our city but certainly have come to a head recently. Does the City of Vernon share in the responsibility for this situation? Perhaps, but I think it is unfair to single out one jurisdiction and point the finger. IHA, Mental health, Social Services, and the RCMP all have dealings and responsibilities with this abiding social problem.
Perhaps the City could be held accountable for not making their request for help more urgent and timely. Recent activity by the Activate Safety Task force brought the seriousness of the problem faced by members of our community to the forefront. This increased awareness will hopefully lead to some positive measures by those with the mandate to protect all members of our community.

As a member of council I would support an effort by Council to bring interested parties together to seek to ameliorate the situation. 
The recent task force itself recognized the paucity of input from such invaluable groups as the IHA, Mental Health or the Vernon Social Planning Council. This social problem with have no quick and easy solution but with the good will and cooperation of all, some solutions will surely be found.

Criticism of The Activate Safety Task Report.

Just noted the Infotel release of the council candidates responses to whether they supported the task forces recommendations to city council. Many candidates chose not respond. This I understand. Dangerous ground to offer criticism when emotions were running high. I stand by my responses as reported by Infotel. To this news sites credit they choose to print my response in its entirety. Here is the link

Wednesday, 10 October 2018

Does Vernon need a purpose built City Council?

I noted the other day on line a comment that was somewhat alarming. It went something like this; "what we need is a purpose built council". Perhaps there exists a group of like minded people who would like to see Vernon go in a particular direction. Such a group could  persuade a number candidates to run as a slate. Candidates of such a coalition  would encourage their supporters to vote for members of their group with the hope of gaining control of the new council. A slate of candidates is smallest manifestation of party politics which I believe is not in the best interest of the City of Vernon. 
By only voting for their slate their supporters do not dilute their votes by voting for other candidates which in reality would be votes against themselves. This practice greatly increases their chances of getting elected.  I ask the question does a slate exist in the Vernon municipal election? 
If such a group of candidates exists there is only one thing I can say for sure, I am not part of it. Usually slates are very open about their affiliations and likewise with their agreed upon agenda for the coming term.  Perhaps this hypothetical slate is trying to be low key, to keep things quiet. By being quiet the organizer of the slate has the best chance of being elected or re-elected as the case maybe.
I do think it would be wise to elect a group who have already have made their minds up on many issues. Such a council would limit debate and would approach many issues with their minds already made up without all the information. That is what a purpose built would look like. Vernon does not need such a Council.
What I believe Vernon needs is council made up of independent folks with a wide range of experience; open minded individuals willing to engage in honest open public debate. I believe such council would be more likely to make timely decisions with the greater good in mind.
I want to be part of a such a Council. Please vote for Shawn Lee

Tuesday, 9 October 2018

Will The New RCMP Officers actually result in more police presence in Vernon?

I believe that Vernon has been well served by the members of the RCMP who serve in our regional detachment. The maintenance of an adequate number of members is an ongoing challenge for the chief constable. He has to deal at any given time, with constables who are sick, away on stress leave or on maternity leave. It isn’t always possible to replace those officers who for whatever legitimate reasons are unable to work. Thus the numbers on active duty can vary highly depending on the above factors and the unique demographic of our local force.
Therefore we have the appearance of a chronically under staffed police force. Is the solution simply to add more officers to our local detachment? You might think so but I think a more useful question would be how are the forces we now fund deployed? Are they visible to the public they serve and protect? Are the known to us? Are they known to our children? Are they known to the business community? Are they known to the homeless? By known I mean respected and trusted? Is the force we now fund being used to best advantage?
Much of modern policing keeps these dedicated officers behind desks, writing reports, or waiting in provincial courts to testify. Surely there must be ways to streamline these necessary duties so our officers could get back on the street and in our neighbourhoods where their presence will foster the security and safety we all seek?
As a councillor I would support all measures that would get our police out of the “office” so to speak and into our community. I believe that an increased presence would actually result in less need for enforcement and paradoxically free up more time for “presence”. Please vote Shawn Lee for Vernon City Council. I believe that Vernon has been well served by the members of the RCMP who serve in our regional detachment. The maintenance of an adequate number of members is an ongoing challenge for the chief constable. He has to deal at any given time, with constables who are sick, away on stress leave or on maternity leave. It isn’t always possible to replace those officers who for whatever legitimate reasons are unable to work. Thus the numbers on active duty can vary highly depending on the above factors and the unique demographic of our local force.
Therefore we have the appearance of a chronically under staffed police force. Is the solution simply to add more officers to our local detachment? You might think so but I think a more useful question would be how are the forces we now fund deployed? Are they visible to the public they serve and protect? Are the known to us? Are they known to our children? Are they known to the business community? Are they known to the homeless? By known I mean respected and trusted? Is the force we now fund being used to best advantage?
Much of modern policing keeps these dedicated officers behind desks, writing reports, or waiting in provincial courts to testify. Surely there must be ways to streamline these necessary duties so our officers could get back on the street and in our neighbourhoods where their presence will foster the security and safety we all seek?
As a councillor I would support all measures that would get our police out of the “office” so to speak and into our community. I believe that an increased presence would actually result in less need for enforcement and paradoxically free up more time for “presence”.
I believe that Vernon has been well served by the members of the RCMP who serve in our regional detachment. The maintenance of an adequate number of members is an ongoing challenge for the chief constable. He has to deal at any given time, with constables who are sick, away on stress leave or on maternity leave. It isn’t always possible to replace those officers who for whatever legitimate reasons are unable to work. Thus the numbers on active duty can vary highly depending on the above factors and the unique demographic of our local force.
Therefore we have the appearance of a chronically under staffed police force. Is the solution simply to add more officers to our local detachment? You might think so but I think a more useful question would be how are the forces we now fund deployed? Are they visible to the public they serve and protect? Are the known to us? Are they known to our children? Are they known to the business community? Are they known to the homeless? By known I mean respected and trusted? Is the force we now fund being used to best advantage?
Much of modern policing keeps these dedicated officers behind desks, writing reports, or waiting in provincial courts to testify. Surely there must be ways to streamline these necessary duties so our officers could get back on the street and in our neighborhoods where their presence will foster the security and safety we all seek?
As a councillor I would support all measures that would get our police out of the “office” so to speak and into our community. I believe that an increased presence would actually result in less need for enforcement and paradoxically free up more time for“presence”.

Thursday, 4 October 2018

Thoughts on the Mayors Forum .

It was was most informative to hear each the Candidates respond to questions formulated by the Chamber and DVA. As candidates for city for Council we have received the same four questions. I will post my own responses later.
When four people are asked the same questions their answers start to blend. My approach for evaluating the candidates for mayor centers on whether they have two qualities. Firstly does the candidate understand civic government and workings of council? Being a new Mayor will be like drinking from a fire hose: a lot to decide and delegate in a very short order. Knowing the essentials will help.
Secondly does the candidate give me the impression that he would be able equitably chair a council meeting? There is great deal of information and protocols  needed at one's fingertips and then there is the camera. There needs to be balance of tolerance and direction by the Mayor which will lead to an open atmosphere, fostering honest debate, insightful questions and timely decisions.
Remember to vote Shawn Lee for  Vernon City Council Cheers

Monday, 1 October 2018

Vernon taxes: when will we ever catch up?

I was recently asked about what could be done to hold the line or reduce taxes in the City of Vernon. This is a good question. If you include the infrastructure levy (a separate line item on your city tax bill) we have had well over 3% tax annual increases through most of the last two councils. The spending on staff will increase this coming budget year with the addition of six new officers to the regional detachment of the RCMP that calls Vernon home (a little over a million) over a 1% increase on that line item of the overall budget.
I question whether these magnitudes of tax increases are sustainable. Each increase compounds with the last until the financial burden on families and businesses becomes a deterrent for growth and prosperity. I am beginning to wonder if we have crossed that line. 
The argument is made that we are playing “catch up” from when previous administrations kept taxes artificially low by postponing what needed to be done to maintain the” bones” of our city. That may be true but what I think Vernon tax payers would like to know is whether we are ever going to catch up and be able to return to more modest increases that reflect the actual growth of our local economy and the earning power of our residents and businesses?Or is it possible to hold the line or spend less as a city?

As a member of Vernon City Council I will seek positive answers to these questions. Please vote for Shawn Lee Vernon City Council

Friday, 28 September 2018

A question that is often asked of me as a candidate for city Council

Who would I like to see elected?  Of course the simple answer is Shawn Lee because I think he will be an excellent Councillor for the City of Vernon. I am sure the other nineteen candidates feel the same way about themselves. The same is true, I imagine of the mayoralty candidates.
With such a wide field of candidates the voters face a difficult challenge in making their selection. How do you get to know what each candidate is about? Social media will be a great help. Attending the various forums will also be useful. Do you go with the incumbents or give the new faces a chance?  Whichever way it goes, we will have this new council for four years which underlines the importance of the decision.
It may seem that I am ducking the question but it is still very early on in the campaign. Much is yet to be discovered. As time goes on my choices will become clearer and I may choose to share them. I believe that when men and women of good will are committed to well- informed honest open debate that good decisions will result. The task facing the voters of Vernon is to find those independent, inquiring minds and grant them the task, the burden and the privilege of serving on city council for the next four years. I hope to be granted such a privilege.

Please vote for Shawn lee for city council. Cheers

Thursday, 27 September 2018

The Future of the Cannabis in Vernon Would Appear ........

The future of the cannabis industry in Vernon would appear to be …well… just a little blurry. Our most senior level government has charged ahead with its election promise to decriminalize the use of cannabis in Canada. If you talk to law enforcement, the legal profession and the medical profession, perhaps the federal government’s decision was premature.
There will still be enforcement because there will be regulation, and in large measure the cost of such enforcement will fall to the municipality (read Vernon RCMP). Things still appear a little hazy when it comes to judging when someone is driving under the influence (THC).
Will there be an economic benefit to our community? This too appears unclear with the licensing regulations of the Federal and Provincial Governments. Hopefully there would be a sharing of tax revenue with the municipalities to offset increased enforcement and possible social costs.
On a less murky note, those who suffer from nausea and chronic pain  will no longer have to rely the good will of a friend of a friend's cousin to find the relief they need. This is a good thing.
Finally let’s talk about “the four plants”. As far as I know the legislation still provides the option of growing four plants for personal use. I can’t shake the image of some future bylaw officer prowling around people’s backyards counting plants. Will it be four a season or four continuous? The difficulty of enforcing such laws boggles the mind, perhaps literally.

That being said we soon will be adding legitimacy to a very old and popular psycho-active substance.  The resulting ease of procurement could put many young minds at risk. Great caution needs to be exercised by responsible adults to avoid tragedy.

Wednesday, 26 September 2018

How will you vote in the Provincial Referendum on Electoral Reform?

This is a very good question. The result of the Oct 22 –Nov 30 referendum could fundamentally change how democracy functions in British Columbia. I am currently studying the pros and cons of the four systems; first past the post vs. dual member representation, mixed member proportional or rural-urban proportional. I urge all citizens to do the same. Thankfully we still have a couple of months.
Some questions I will consider are: which system best represents my ideal of representative democracy? which system is most responsive to its constituents? which system allows for more efficient government? what tax burden can we expect if we change from the present system? which system allows for more accountability?

Let’s study our options, share our ideas and all vote in November. 

Tuesday, 25 September 2018

The Referendum on the new Cultural Center: The vision of the few and the wisdom the many.

I support the borrowing referendum question that would permit the construction of a purpose built facility for the Art Gallery and the Museum; both having long found their current locations increasingly nonviable.
A new structure, built to current Museum and Art Gallery standards would allow the reception of world class touring exhibits which now cannot be even considered.  Greater space will allow both facilities to display more of their collections, most of which are now stored and rarely seen by the public.
The prospect of borrowing 25 million is daunting but it should be remembered that a yes vote is required in order to be eligible for addition grants envisioned to complete the project. It is also important that we are assured that a yes vote will not increase the tax burden.  
With the retirement of the debt for the Performing Arts Center, the timing is opportune to borrow for the new Cultural Center with no attendant tax increases. I believe a purpose built Cultural Center will provide life enriching experience for decades to come.

The new facility will also be a draw for visitors to our region just as Kal Tire Place, the Performing Arts Center and the recently completed Athletic field.  No one could argue that these public venues have not been of great benefit to our communities.  I am grateful for the vision of the few and wisdom of the many that in the past supported the borrowing that allowed for these facilities which have so enhanced our community. I hope that the wisdom of the many will allow this proposed facility to go forward. 
Please vote for Shawn Lee for Vernon City Council.

Monday, 24 September 2018

The Homeless in Vernon

What is the biggest issue facing the City of Vernon?
Earlier this year I attended an information session at the Schubert Center aimed at gathering public input regarding the challenges faced by both individuals and businesses stemming from actions and interactions with Vernon’s homeless. My eyes were opened. Feelings ran high and tempers were frayed. The frustration of those who spoke was almost palpable.  The task force which called the meeting took the information gathered and ultimately presented a series of recommendations to Vernon City Council. All this activity would lead one to believe this is our biggest problem. It certainty appears to be urgent.
The issue of the homeless is not new but appears to be cyclical in nature. Faced with this or any challenge as a Councillor I would return to the guiding principles of Vernon’s Official Community Plan:
Foster prosperity for people, business and government.
Protect and preserve green spaces and sensitive areas.
Ensure housing meets the needs of the whole community.
Create a culture of sustainability.
Create strong, compact and complete neighbourhoods.
Provide alternative transportation.
Revitalize the downtown.
Create a youth friendly city.
Each of these principles is elaborated in the community plan.  When these principles are neglected in decision making we experience crises. The most visible of which recently has been our street population. Space will not allow me to expand their detail. These principles outline the big picture. If, as a councillor, I can keep the big picture in mind, solutions pursued to solve challenges will serve all residents with fairness and compassion. Here is the link,-plan-bylaw.pdf

Wednesday, 19 September 2018

So Many Candidates: How do you choose?

A politically conscious friend of mine recently wondered aloud how to select from so many candidates. It does seem over whelming. For the motivated voter, and dare I say candidate, there are many ways to  find the information sought.
There is the traditional forum attendance.You will get to shake the candidates hand and look them in the eye. This takes courage on the part of the shaker and the "shakee"Most politicians however relish the chance of this close contact . Take advantage the hand shake to gauge your sense for comfort with the candidate. Listen to them speak and judge their degree of calm in the stress of the forum. Listen for content. Are they informed?. Do you trust what they say? You can also read whatever they publish.
Nothing ever dies online so a quick search of the candidates name may reveal a website campaign or other wise which may offer you  insight and help you to decide. This does take a bit of work. You can also interact online with most candidates. Thhis could be fun and revealing.
Lastly do you know someone who knows the candidate? Ask their opinion. Remember that every vote counts.The candidates are facing the same challenges as the voters when they are deciding for whom to vote.
Remember please vote for Shawn Lee for Vernon City Council. Cheers Shawn

Tuesday, 18 September 2018

Experience matters: Vote for Shawn Lee Vernon City Council 2018

I believe that voters should cast their ballot for me on October 20th for following reasons.
I have previously served on Vernon City Council and am familiar with procedures and budgets and the cycle of governance in involved in local government. I would be able to hit the ground running.  I am able to read and understand the technical terms and issues involved in the large Council agenda packages. (Sometimes over 700 pages)
I am a Vernon resident. I love this community where Jocelyn, my wife and I have raised our six children, involved in both sports and arts.  I would like to give back to this city that has been so good to us.
I am a quick study and read quickly with understanding and retention; skills and talents that are invaluable to a Councillor.
I will always come prepared to discuss the issues and to debate in public the questions as an independent voice on Vernon City Council
I will answer all inquiries directed me as a councilor as quickly as possible.
I will carefully examine all budgets set before Council with great care.  I will never forget tax dollars come from you and me.
I have served in executive and board positions in the Dental Profession both locally and provincially. These positions dealt with protection of the public, quality assurance in dentistry, regulatory matters and budgets. I became familiar with the rules of such governing councils.
I served both as a board member and later as President of the Arts Council of the North Okanagan. I became aware of the challenges faced by passionate volunteer organisations. More importantly I became acquainted with the value that the arts contribute to any community.
I will promise to serve honestly and with integrity.
Please vote for Shawn Lee for Council.

Monday, 17 September 2018

Jurassic Park Vernon style (continued).

I support the orderly maintenance of the city's infrastructure. I sat on Vernon city council when initially sizable portions of the conservative tax increases were dedicated to infrastructure renewal. Happiily this practice has continued with subsequent councils. The increased attention to infrastructure can pose problems This past summer has been and continues to be challenging for  businesses and residents in the north east of the downtown core. Major road construction and intersection redesign at times presented an almost impossible labyrinth to negotiate both for local residents and for clients of area professionals. We are two months beyond the promised completion date and the work goes on and on.  The resultant loss of on street parking and the recent closing of the large city parking lot to accommodate the decommissioning of the Civic Arena has created a parking crisis in our end of downtown. I would support the more careful planning and timing of these renewal projects and negotiate guaranteed completion dates in order to lessen the amount of disruption to both residents and businesses . Please vote for Shawn Lee for Vernon City Council Cheers!

Sunday, 16 September 2018

Greyhound Gone in October

The corporate decision of Greyhound to discontinue its passenger service in Western Canada will present a transportation challenge for many in our community. Perhaps the BC transit service between Vernon and Kelowna could be enhanced. It should be noted that the increasing use of these publicly funded systems were cited by Greyhound executives as one of the factors contributing to their falling ridership woes. There may need to be increased frequency added to the existing service.
Please vote for Shawn Lee for Vernon City Council

Saturday, 15 September 2018

Seeking Solutions for the Homeless in Vernon

The current council  has attempted to a dress some of the issues attendant with the city's homeless. This was commendable. I believe that a continuing effort focusing on harm reduction and preserving public safety will be necessary for the foreseeable future. There are no quick fixes for this very complicated issue and it should involve cooperation between government and private agencies. All residents of our little city deserve to feel safe and secure. I will support initiatives that are aimed achieving this goal. A detailed look at past measures taken may also prove helpful.
Please vote for Shawn Lee for Vernon City Council

Friday, 14 September 2018

Vernon Civic Election 2018

As the current election season approached many of my acquaintance asked if I was considering letting my name stand for election. I wasn't. I have been down that road before and  recall the emotional trauma that running for public office often brings. However there was and still is a strong desire in me to serve my community as a Councillor for the City of Vernon. A sense of unfinished business a clock that is still not working.
And so today I filed the necessary documents and the race is on. I am grateful to those who so willing signed my nomination papers and to my wife Jocelyn for her abiding support of her would be politician husband.
My hope is to blog daily as well as manage my face book page and maybe tweet a little. I get the sense this election may well be won online. Stay tuned . Cheers Shawn Lee Vernon Taxpayer

Wednesday, 4 July 2018

Jurassic World:Vernon Style

Jocelyn my wife and I took in the latest edition in the Jurassic Park franchise at the Galaxy Cinema. There was the expected fright and gore generated by the CGI wizards. The trembling earth and the sudden bone crunching pounces. There were scenes that paid homage to the original film and yet again the film makers almost convince you that dinosaurs walk the earth.
As I was walking to my dental practice this morning I felt the ground tremble and heard a loud roaring. I glanced up 30th and for a moment there appeared to be several large Jurassic beasts hunched hungrily  over some fallen prey, but wait, no it was only the latest stage of the rehabilitation of the street and intersection in front of our building.
As anyone knows who has tried to walk or drive anywhere in the east part of Vernon's downtown has encountered an unprecedented amount of renewal that going on and on and on. There has been a lot of digging and covering and redigging . We are grateful to our patients who brave the lack of convenient parking,the dust, the noise and the sheer obstacle course to attend our office. We have been assured that the end is sight and soon our little portion of the Polson Park Greenway will be complete.
In the meantime with all the trembling and roaring  it is good to know that we do not need to flee for our lives.

On the Passing of Bob Spears

It was with great sadness that I learned of the sudden passing of Councillor Bob Spears. I was fortunate enough to be elected to Vernon City Council the same year as Bob. Councillor Spears in my estimation hit the ground running. He seemed to have all the numbers at his fingertips. This was not by accident as he had attended many council meetings as an interested private citizen. When he spoke we all would listen. I did not always agree but never doubted Councillor"s Spears determination to see tax dollars spent wisely. He gave freely of his time and we all have benefited. He will be missed greatly.
Shawn Lee a Vernon Taxpayer

Tuesday, 22 May 2018

What a Treasure !

For both the residents and visitors to our fair corner of the North Okanagan the Rail trail is proving to be a treasure. Having walked and ridden the Kalamalka Lake portion of the trail I have nothing but praise for those who had the vision to preserve this right of way.
Really it is a world class asset and it is not yet as good as it is going to get when completed. Though presently portions of our end of the trail are closed for rock scaling(yes there are cliffs) I highly recommend a leisurely stroll or a railway grade bike ride on the finely crushed gravel path. Bring water and your camera for vistas of the Lake of Many Colors that you may not have seen before. What a treat! What a treasure! See you there.
Cheers Shawn  

Thursday, 10 May 2018

Tempus Fugit but not quite accurately

The wind was pretty brisk on a noon walkabout the other day and I was a little pressed as I was returning to the office. Glancing up at the tower clock in front of the museum to check the time I noted a lack of synchronicity between the four faces. The North face displayed a different time than the other three which were correct. This is distressing to me as one of the last initiatives that I was involved in as a member of Vernon City Council was the approval of the installation of a new clock mechanism in the old tower. The old mechanism now safely functions inside the museum.
If my memory serves me $50,000 was spent 2011 on the new faces and a mechanism that would automatically reset the time if for some reason something went awry. Apparently this is not the case. The historical significance of the tower and its new timepiece seems not to carry much weight with those in trusted with the clock's care and maintenance.
 I hope that this not the case and that a remedy will soon be found in a timely fashion.. As a taxpayer looking at a city clock that does not tell the correct time I begin to suspect there may be other things awry in the City of Vernon that are not quite as in your face as a tower clock that shows the incorrect time.
Cheers Shawn Lee a Vernon Taxpayer