Thursday 10 May 2018

Tempus Fugit but not quite accurately

The wind was pretty brisk on a noon walkabout the other day and I was a little pressed as I was returning to the office. Glancing up at the tower clock in front of the museum to check the time I noted a lack of synchronicity between the four faces. The North face displayed a different time than the other three which were correct. This is distressing to me as one of the last initiatives that I was involved in as a member of Vernon City Council was the approval of the installation of a new clock mechanism in the old tower. The old mechanism now safely functions inside the museum.
If my memory serves me $50,000 was spent 2011 on the new faces and a mechanism that would automatically reset the time if for some reason something went awry. Apparently this is not the case. The historical significance of the tower and its new timepiece seems not to carry much weight with those in trusted with the clock's care and maintenance.
 I hope that this not the case and that a remedy will soon be found in a timely fashion.. As a taxpayer looking at a city clock that does not tell the correct time I begin to suspect there may be other things awry in the City of Vernon that are not quite as in your face as a tower clock that shows the incorrect time.
Cheers Shawn Lee a Vernon Taxpayer

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