Thursday, 30 October 2014

All Candidates Forum Question: What can be done to attract young families to Vernon?

Just as a well-run city attracts investment I believe a city that preserves its green spaces, fosters the creation of inviting neighbourhoods, and provides for sustainable and efficient transportation options will be attractive to young families. In addition a city that celebrates a range of recreational activities including the arts and sports will have greater appeal than cities which do not. A city which is attractive to young families will have had the vision to invest in amenities that cater to a diversity of cultural activities that bring enjoyment to their residents and enrich their lives. 
Like all cities Vernon has  room to improve but as I said before I believe that a well-run Vernon will attract the investment that will make it possible and desirable for young families to make their lives here.
Cheers, Make Shawn Lee your first choice for Vernon City Council

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