Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Election Signs and the Council Decision first blush the recent decision by COV City Council not to enforce their own sign bylaw in the weeks preceding the fall election may seem self serving. They are after all seeking a return to office with the exception of the Mayor Sawatsky. The debate was lively according to press accounts.
In this day of social media  and online radio and newspapers the concept of pounding a stake in the ground with a sign attached to it in order to win voter support seems archaic. The old ways die hard and why? because they are still a very effective way to remind the public that there is an election on and they are invited to participate.
If you are reading this blog post you may not agree the old ways are the best, thinking that social media and an online presence is a much more efficient to get your ideas out there! I heartily agree.
A year ago I collected signatures for a petition. I was out two hours
nightly for a total of ten days and collected over two hundred signatures. A good blog post can draw the same amount of hits in a single evening. The sharing of links on facebook , twitter or your own blog are much more effective way of getting "out there" but only with the "online" public. There are still many of the electorate for varied reasons who find the net to be intimidating or simply choose not to be online. Hence we still pound signs into the ground. The most effective and the most visible spots for signs are the road allowances which explains the logic behind the Council's recent decision.  Council was not unanimous in the direction taken but in a democracy decisions are seldom unanimous. The majority felt easing enforcement would be a good thing to promote the election generally. Time will tell.
This election season only comes around every so often so physical reminders that it is here are a good thing: part of a long tradition.
As a candidate for COV city council I ask for patience with the signs and increased participation in the campaigns leading up to the election on the 15th of November.
Let's be accommodating out there.
Cheers Shawn Lee  candidate for Vernon City Council

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