Sunday, 12 October 2014

Some of Vernon City Residents will be Disenfranchised in the November City Election.

If you are are going to be absent from Vernon this coming November you will not be able to vote in the Municipal election.
The City of Vernon does not have either mail in ballots or or online voting as an option for those who will find themselves unavoidably absent. This seems archaic and though too late to be remedied for the fall election it is surely is an issue that needs to be addressed in the future. Apparently our neighbours to the North(Salmon Arm) offer the option of a mail in ballot. Citizens need to fill a form but the option is there.
What Vernon does offer is only the statutory advance polling opportunities. These are listed at the following link.
I first became aware of the issue after conversations with a few of the "snowbirds" in my neighbourhood.
There are many reasons for not being to attend the polls on election day but I believe more options need to be explored in order not to unnecessarily disenfranchise our citizens . The technology exists: even if its Canada Post.
Cheers Shawn Lee

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