Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Chamber of Commerce question answered belated- Mea Culpa

  1. Business is impacted by construction and infrastructure improvements during the summer season. We know the improvements are important for the future of Vernon. How would you help business minimize the lasting impact due to business lost from ongoing construction occurring directly in front of their business?
I would support efforts to ensure projects are finished in a timely manner. Contracts need to provide for some sort of financial consequence for delays due to the contractor. Such penalties could perhaps be used to mitigate the disruption to effected businesses. I am not sure of the legality of this suggestion but maybe some sort of tax break could be offered to effected businesses during the tax year of the infrastructure renewal. I would support efforts to coordinate operations as to minimize disruption and maintain access. I would support efforts to ensure the availability of BC Hydro crews as to minimize backtracking and delays. Please vote Shawn Lee for Vernon City Council.

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