Wednesday 19 September 2018

So Many Candidates: How do you choose?

A politically conscious friend of mine recently wondered aloud how to select from so many candidates. It does seem over whelming. For the motivated voter, and dare I say candidate, there are many ways to  find the information sought.
There is the traditional forum attendance.You will get to shake the candidates hand and look them in the eye. This takes courage on the part of the shaker and the "shakee"Most politicians however relish the chance of this close contact . Take advantage the hand shake to gauge your sense for comfort with the candidate. Listen to them speak and judge their degree of calm in the stress of the forum. Listen for content. Are they informed?. Do you trust what they say? You can also read whatever they publish.
Nothing ever dies online so a quick search of the candidates name may reveal a website campaign or other wise which may offer you  insight and help you to decide. This does take a bit of work. You can also interact online with most candidates. Thhis could be fun and revealing.
Lastly do you know someone who knows the candidate? Ask their opinion. Remember that every vote counts.The candidates are facing the same challenges as the voters when they are deciding for whom to vote.
Remember please vote for Shawn Lee for Vernon City Council. Cheers Shawn

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