Thursday, 30 October 2014

All Candidates Forum Question: What can be done to attract young families to Vernon?

Just as a well-run city attracts investment I believe a city that preserves its green spaces, fosters the creation of inviting neighbourhoods, and provides for sustainable and efficient transportation options will be attractive to young families. In addition a city that celebrates a range of recreational activities including the arts and sports will have greater appeal than cities which do not. A city which is attractive to young families will have had the vision to invest in amenities that cater to a diversity of cultural activities that bring enjoyment to their residents and enrich their lives. 
Like all cities Vernon has  room to improve but as I said before I believe that a well-run Vernon will attract the investment that will make it possible and desirable for young families to make their lives here.
Cheers, Make Shawn Lee your first choice for Vernon City Council

All Candidates Forum Question: What would you do with the parking meters?

Parking meters continue to be a bone of contention in the downtown. The perception is that both the meter fees and their very existence are unjust. The difficult thing is how do you best manage a limited resource and encourage rotation in parking in busy streets.  It is by the use of meters. It is important to remember that there is no such thing as free parking. Businesses which do provide “free parking” must build the tax costs (land) and the maintenance of such facilities into their business plans. Of course these costs must be ultimately passed on to their clients and though hidden those cost are there. 
In terms of convenience of parking next door to the services you seek downtown: I would bet  often there is  more distance walking in a big box store parking lot than from a metered spot in the downtown. I am afraid that the meters should stay.
Cheers, Shawn Lee searching for change.

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

All Candidates Forum Question: What about the future of Kin Race Track?

A solution needs to found that will allow the parties to move forward. The society is unsure where its future lies and the city is frustrated in that other recreational uses for the property cannot be realized. This issue was before the courts so this will have to be the limit of my comments.

All Candidates Forum Question:How will you encourage the retention of programs at the Vernon Branch of the Okanagan Regional Library??

Our Vernon Branch of the Okanagan Regional Library is much more than a place to hold shelves full of books. It is a cultural gathering place for citizens of Greater Vernon and is truly a haven for the curious mind. While I served as Vernon‘s Director at the ORL the decision was made to supply the land on which our new library is built. I also served on the steering committee for the new Branch. The Vernon councilor who is chosen to serve as a director to the ORL board will need to continue to champion the budget requirements necessary to maintain and enhance the programs that are of such benefit to our communities. 
Shawn Lee
Candidate for Vernon City Council

Sunday, 26 October 2014

Signs,signs everwhere a sign blockin out the scenery ........really?

Sometimes an issue can try to steal an election. Because of what was perceived as excessive sign usage during the last civic election some one somewhere made the decision to strictly enforce the city's sign by law in the weeks leading up to the fall  election. Feelings have been running high in some quarters and while everyone is certainly entitled to their opinion, the ``kerfuffle`` around Councils recent action seems to be distracting from  a focus on the real issues.
 With a major public forum just two days away should we not be considering questions for the candidates to find out what they really think can be done to improve the quality of life for those who have chosen to make Vernon their home.
Honestly for this candidate, the proliferation of election signs are a reminder of the freedom we have to choose our governments. A freedom that is precious. See you at the all Candidates Forum Tuesday at the Performing Arts Center doors open early at 6:00 pm if you would like to chat. The forum starts at 7:00PM.
Shawn Lee
Candidate for Vernon City Council

Saturday, 25 October 2014

Correction to "No Vote Likely on Water Referendum"

I made a glaring omission to my post on the water referendum of which I was reminded of on the way to the Thompson Okanagan Dental Convention in Kelowna this morning.

Councillor Bob Spiers a Vernon City Council incumbent should have been included in my list of elected officials who have been vocal and up front from the beginning in not supporting the referendum and requesting a peer review of the Water plan. This was an unintentional oversight on my part underlining the risk to me of "late night" blogging. Mea Culpa.

Cheers, Shawn Lee
Candidate for Vernon City Council

See you next Tuesday 7:00 PM at the Vernon and District Performing Arts Centre.

Friday, 24 October 2014

Off to a Dental Convention in Kelowna Today

Attending the Thompson Okanagan Dental Convention today. I will publish my take on the SENS forum later today. A Hearty thanks to the SENS folks for hosting a great event. A warm thank you to Julia Lissau for her tireless efforts to promote provident living in the Vernon. And of course thank you to all who attended.
Cheers, Shawn Lee
Candidate for Vernon City Council

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Restoration of the Regional Economic Development Function.

I would support the restoration the Economic Development function at the regional district. Although Vernon has taken on both Tourism and Economic Development  after they were abandoned  by the GVAC it would seem more reasonable to provide a one stop shopping for those who are interested investing in Greater Vernon. With a choice of four jurisdictions to deal with anything that can be done to facilitate the smooth and timely compliance with the various requirements attached to economic investment would in the long run benefit us all.   
We need to remember that economically if one of our regional partners benefits from a new economic initiative we all prosper. 
Cheers , Shawn Lee
Candidate for Vernon City Council

Friday, 17 October 2014

Signs of the times



Sign discussions have occupied the attention of our elected officials a lot lately. Understandably so, the candidate signs including those of yours truly are beginning to sprout up all other Vernon. I appreciate the publics on going patience with the visual inconvenience. Let’s be considerate and accommodating out there and remember there is an election on.
The other sign discussion that has come to my attention occurred at the last regional district GVAC meeting and it centered on the maintenance of the "Welcome to Greater Vernon" signs on Highway 97. When first installed I remember how pleasing it was to welcome visitors to our communities with such area appropriate signage. As with all things however time takes its toll. The signs are in increasing need of maintenance. There is apparently no budget for their upkeep and no longer the regional function for Greater Vernon Economic Development which provided the impetus for their placement in the first place. Time has indeed taken its toll on many things in the Sunny North Okanagan. The maintenance of these signs is longer thought a priority and even talk of no budget to tear them down so we are just to sit and let them decay.
Plainly, with perhaps the exception of the GVAC chair Juliette Cunningham even the concept of Greater Vernon is distasteful to some at the regional table. They forget that this is a small region and we all prosper or fail together. A recently acclaimed  EA director stated that he does not support the" Balkanization" of the North Okanagan but when no support is given just to fix up some signs it makes one question the motivation for neglect.
The image we present to both those who visit Greater Vernon and those who are blessed to live here speaks volumes about the communities that make up Greater Vernon. Something is lost when we focus on parts instead of the whole: pride and our sense of place in the North Okanagan.
Shawn Lee a Candidate for Vernon City Council