So it seems
that Vernon wasn’t even given the chance to bid on the new fire dispatch
contract. Evidently our elected officials at the Regional District Table are
happy to send a $170,000 out of the region to get services from the Fraser
Valley Regional District that could have been provided locally by Vernon Fire
and Rescue. Our tax dollars will now be spent in other communities. We will
lose the multiplier effect of money that could have been spent in our area. Why
was this direction taken by the regional district?
representatives at the district table praise the new atmosphere of cooperation which
has resulted in the yet to be provincially approved parks agreements. What was
the result when Vernon came last fall “’hat in hand” to request the opportunity
to bid on the new contract? We didn’t even receive the support from our nearest
neighbours. I am speaking of Coldstream and B and C. Why was this case? Why
were the arguments for an integrated dispatch service for the North Okanagan ignored
and discounted by regional district staff?
Not even to
be given the chance to bid! It makes you wonder where this new spirit of cooperation
is leading us.
Cheers Shawn
Lee a Vernon Taxpayer
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