Wednesday, 16 November 2011

New Library for Vernon and district

Recently the last piece of structual steel was intalled in the new Vernon Branch of the Okanagan Regional Library . The new facility is being built by the ORL and the costs are shared by the participants of the whole system.  The Vernon Branch has consistently out lent every other library in the system. I have been a member of the Board of Directors of the ORL for the past three years and was gratified by the boards decision to build the new branch in the Downtown where it will continue to be an anchor to this vital part of our community. Libraries will continue to adapt to the needs of its patrons and will continue to be a haven for curious minds for the foreseeable future.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

43 ave

Sometimes at City Council we are faced wtih conflicts between what the city staff reccommend and the opinions expressed at public information sessions. Such is the the most recent experience with the proposed road diet on 43 ave.  In my opinion the outcry was useful because it underlined for this councillor that there were yet unanswered questions about the management of traffic on that busy section of road.  Staff have been given those requests for clarification and no decision will be taken until all informatiom has been gathered and debated. For information Google Road diets.